About RED#1331
RED#1331 is the one thousand, three hundred and thirty first RED ONE manufactured by the RED DIGITAL CINEMA COMPANY.
RED#1331 is available with operator, throughout the Pacific Northwest. Rentals without a RED#1331 operator require a valid Certificate of Liability. Contact RED#1331 for a Quote.
About the RED ONE:
Utilizing SLR Lens, the RED ONE captures 2K, 3K and 4K video to either compact flash or RAID, at speeds ranging between 24-120 frames per second, producing breath-taking digital video over twice the resolution of 1080 HD.
For more information about the RED ONE, please visit http://red.com.
The above 4K test footage was captured on RED1337, edited in FCP and uploaded to Vimeo as H264.
Key Benefits:
- All Digital
- 4K Resolution
- Utilizes SLR Lens
- Apple Quicktime and Final Cut Support
- RED ONE Body
- Base Production Pack
- 5.6 inch RED LCD
- RED Power Pack
- Compact flash and RAID Storage
- RED PL Mount and Nikon Adapter
- Nikon 18-200mm Lens